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Table 3 HCP Perceptions of reasons PwD miscalculated basal and bolus insulin doses

From: Understanding suboptimal insulin use in type 1 and 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional survey of healthcare providers who treat people with diabetes

Main Reasons for Miscalculated Basal Insulin Dose*

n (%)

Total (N = 640)



Found it too complicated/burdensome

286 (44.7)

189 (29.5)

They were out of their normal routine

305 (47.7)

309 (48.3)

Did not want to dose in front of others

92 (14.4)

109 (17.0)

Not sure how much insulin to take

387 (60.5)

305 (47.7)

Did not measure their blood glucose

349 (54.5)

252 (39.4)

Wanted to avoid their blood sugar getting too low

292 (45.6)

263 (41.1)

Couldn’t remember when last took a dose

146 (22.8)

150 (23.4)

They were trying to save on the cost of insulin

38 (5.9)

28 (4.4)


3 (0.5%)

6 (0.9)

  1. HCP healthcare provider, n = number of HCPs in the specified category, N = number of HCPs in the study population, PwD people with diabetes
  2. *Other reasons included: I didn’t have enough insulin with me, I fell asleep, I had forgotten my Lantus at home, I had to check if I had already taken it and when the last dose was, I was too tired and wanted to sleep, I was on a plane and flew through several time zones, over slept, tired, falling asleep before dosing, fasting a.m., in the hospital, out of food, ran out, sick, and unexpected hospital visit due to accident