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Table 2 Knowledge and practice norms of family doctors for screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of Diabetes type 2

From: Evaluation of the knowledge and practice of family physicians in the management of diabetes mellitus type 2 in Iran







1. In adults, if there is no risk factor for Diabetes, at what age do you start screening for Diabetes?

45 (30.2)

103 (69.1)

30 years: 61 (41)

45 years: 42 (28.4)]

2. If the blood sugar screening test was normal, how often do you repeat the screening in adults without any risk factor?

88 (59)

61 (41)

Can HbA1c be used for DM screening?

85 (57)

64 (43)


3. What level of FBS is defined as “pre-diabetes”?

19 (12.8)

130 (87.2)

4. What 2hpp BS is defined as " impaired glucose tolerance”?

32 (21.5)

117 (78.5)

5. To diagnose pre-diabetes, what is the lower threshold for HbA1c level?

113 (75.8)

35 (23.5)

To diagnose Diabetes, what should be the FBS level?

27 (18.1)

122 (81.9)

6. To diagnose Diabetes, what should be the 2-hrpp BS level?

78 (52.3)

70 (47)

To diagnose Diabetes, what should be the random blood sugar level?

50 (33.6)

99 (66.4)

7. To diagnose DM, what is the lower threshold for the HbA1c level?

84 (56.4)

64 (43)

8. To diagnose DM, how many times do you request FBS?

16 (10.7)

133 (89.3)

Treatment and follow-up


9. Which type of medicine do you usually prescribe in patients with emergency hyperglycemia?

5 (3.4)

144 (96.6)

10. What is the goal of FBS for DM treatment?

84 (56.4)

64 (43)

Do you usually refer a patient recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with no other problems?

61 (39)

88 (59)

Which medication category do you most often select as the first-line therapy in managing type 2 diabetes?

7 (4.7)

142 (95.3)

Do you prescribe a second or third antidiabetic drug for patients with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes?

99 (66.4)

50 (33.6)

  1. FBS: Fasting Blood Sugar
  2. 2-hrpp BS: 2-hour Post-Prandial Blood Sugar
  3. HbA1c: glycosylated hemoglobin
  4. DM: Diabetes Mellitus