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Table 2 Most often mentioned activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and of related patient groups

From: Barriers, facilitators and attitudes influencing health promotion activities in general practice: an explorative pilot study


Actions among GPs an PNs (N=17)

Related patient groups

Alcohol reduction

Give advice (N= 17)

Alcoholics (N= 16)

Give a referral to addiction treatment (N=15)

Diabetics (N=10)

Individual lifestyle counselling by GP (N=4)

Cardiovascular patients (N=9)

Stop smoking

Give advice (N=17)

COPD patients (N=14)

Individual lifestyle counselling by PN (N=15)

Diabetics (N=13)

Prescribe medication (N=13)

Cardiovascular N=12)

Promotion exercise

Give advice (N=14)

COPD patients (N=12)

Give a referral to exercise program physiotherapist (N=12)

Diabetics (N=11)

Refer to physiotherapist (individual) (N=10)

Cardiovascular patients (N=10)

Promotion healthy diet

Give advice (N=16)

Overweight/ obese patients (N=15)

Give a referral to dietician (N=15)

Cardiovascular patients (N=12)

Individual lifestyle counselling by PN (N=13)

Diabetics (N=10)

Losing weight

Give advice (N=16)

Overweight/ obese patients (N=17)

Give a referral to dietician and physiotherapist (N=13)

Diabetics (N=4)


Give a referral to surgeon (N=2)